These are just of the church and showing the start of the sidequest. That's all for now, see you soon, and thanks for checking by!
These are just of the church and showing the start of the sidequest. That's all for now, see you soon, and thanks for checking by!
-Oh! On a last note, I've decided that each character have a special 'Costume' that truly represents their class. These 'Costumes' will be available anytime during the story mode, from doing all of that character's specific sidequests/quests.
Finally, I've ultimately decided for the Demo version 0.1 to have 2-3 towns, so I will be doing a lot more town/quest work. There will also be a free roaming type of thing, for the north area of Larcia. (So, Selene forest, the Monastary, the Lake house, Abandoned Temple and Small ranch will be accessible and explorable.) This does not mean every area will be complete, just... a tidbit of a place to explore and check out...
Farewell for now, thanks for reading,
To the left is the altar, where you can pay and revive K-Oed members. There are Revives, or also called Phoenix downs; but like FFIII there are a bit more rare and not too much of a necessity. The quest center will have 4 quests in the demo. I'm unsure if I should delay the release date and make all 4 completely do-able. (Yes? No? Let me know!)
The major release today is well, not what you think. I'm going to let you know ALL available in-game classes. It's undecided whether I should make changable classes (like FFIII. This game is supposed to be similar game-play wise.)
So far, I've decided to have more characters for p3 and p4 aswell. There are now 4 p3 choices and 5 p4 choices.
Classes are as follows:
P3 :(Rod using) Monk, Heavy Swordsman, Lightning Swordsman, and Magician (Rods/Staves).
P4 : Dragoon, Dark Knight, Wind Swordsman, Ranger, and Holy Swordsman.
There's also Ephren (Swordsman) and Match, (SwordMaster)... (NOTE!: I know there are unusual element sword users and that swords outnumber any other weapon class so far. This is subject to change, But so far the characters that I have are users of those weapons.)
Thanks for reading, check again soon!
And now, a beta screenshot of the first town; Augren. (It's still in progress!)
And now, to announce the features of an everyday town in Hero I. An ordinary town is what you call a 'Center of Commerce' right? Well these C-o-C's (no sexual innuendo meant) are no longer just buy, rest, and leave sorta places. Each town (upon completion) will have Sidequests, Magic Shops, Smithys, Inns, Hidden events, P3's or P4's among the Npcs, Quests, Quest Centers, etc.
I hope you've enjoyed today's update, as I have. (I'm done with the Jump Command- Now that was a pain)
Thanks for checking, see you later