Monday, December 22, 2008


I missed the Release Something! Day deadline and frankly, it doesn't bother me too much. My entry wasn't really taken seriously there anyway.

Hero I will not be done in time for Christmas.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry about it. I think a lot of people were looking forward to it but if it will be done soon enough then it's no big deal. Work at your own pace and do things the way you would do them. Don't try to "fit in" too hard.

Anonymous said...

The least you could do is use your own damn computer (and thus your own electricity) if you want to leave a message Lar...

Freakin hell man I told you the link can be found in Stedars sig at

Stedar said...

Lol wth?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah Larry. Pick a name and stick with it. You aren't going to be able to fool anyone since the only people who comment are you, Stedar, Andrew, and myself.

But yeah what Larry said. Don't sweat it too much.

Calle said...

As long as your updating your game its still excusable.n_n