Monday, December 31, 2007

Fourth Character: Vander

Hey everyone, it's time for the latest update. I've been very busy at work trying to get the [Jump] special ability ready, because the fourth character is now being revealed.

Vander is a Dragoon, meaning he can use the special ability: Jump.

Sorry guys, but this the only screenshot I'm showing for now. Vander uses his Laglace, or a sword similar to an Icebrand. Remember, third and fourth characters will be CHOOSABLE. Meaning Ewan and Vander are not necessarily 'set' characters. I have released that there will be 5-7 available characters to choose from for players 3 and 4. However, I am adding something important to that. Instead of just choosing any of the characters in any order as p3 and p4, there will be select p3 and select p4 characters. For example, the p3 choices will be: Ewan, ___, and ___. So that leaves p4 choices with: Vander, ___, ___, and ___.
This means that 3 of the 7 characters will be p3 choices and 4 of the 7 characters will be p4 choices.

Thanks for reading and checking up on updates, until next time!

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