Monday, February 11, 2008

DBS faults...

*Sigh* Where can I begin...? Progress is fine and normal, but I've come across something that truly displeases me. In the DBS, there are about 19 pages per battle. Now, I would think this is a lot, but someone from GW said he's got around 50 and it runs perfectly. Now I'm trying to find out why the characters seemingly always get stuck after an attack. Some say it's my version of Rm2k3, some say it's my battle events, etc etc. In general, I will try to fix such a horrendous fault, and IF/WHEN I do, I will return and post happily, but for now, sadness. Oh yeah, no screenshots for today. (Unless you want to see some stuck battle characters.)

See you sometime... BLEH. (But thanks for checking by.)

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